The choice of legal structure – one of the first questions to come up when you start a business in Spain.
So what LEGAL STRUCTURES exist in Spain?
First, let’s see the often-used legal structures, and then not so commonly used ones.
➡️The often- used are
1️⃣Spanish company with its own legal personality
🔹Sociedad Limitada (S.L.) (Limited Liability Company)
🔹Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) (Public Limited Company)
2️⃣Natural person
Autonomo (Sole trader)
3️⃣Sucursal ( A spanish branch of a foreign company)
4️⃣Business cooperation
🔹Unión Temporal de Empresas (U.T.E.) (Temporary Joint Venture)
🔹Agrupación de Interés Económico (A.I.E.) (Economic Interest Group)
5️⃣Asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro (Non-profit associations)
➡️And here the structures that not many are familiar with
6️⃣Comunidad de Bienes (joint ownership)
7️⃣Sociedad cooperativa (cooperative)
8️⃣Sociedad colectiva (partnership)
9️⃣Sociedad Comanditaria (limited partnership)
Later on, we are going to explain what are the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of these structures, so STAY TURNED!
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